African Tropical Rainforest Observation Network

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DRC Peatland Assessment

  • Novembre, 2017

AfriTRON contributors Greta Dargie, Corneille Ewango and Simon Lewis conducted their first CongoPeat field campaign in the forested peatlands of the Democratic Republic of Congo, to assess their previously published map, and taking 19 journalists from 10 countries to see the peatlands to encourage discussion about their conservation. 

News reports on TV, radio and print appeared in France, UK, Germany, Holland, Norway, South Africa, DR Congo, the USA, and China. E.g. see here

Lewis and Dargie then travelled to the UN climate talks in Bonn for meetings with the DRC government and donor countries. The DRC Environment Minster mentioned the importance of preserving the peatlands in his speech to the UN at the Bonn talks.